The Man Shoe



So one of my favorite things are shoes, like….. I am obsessed. But not just regular shoes (although you do need those as well) I am into really cool, crazy, unique shoes. You know the ones that make you go, “where did you get those shoes!” Yeah, those ones.

I have had a tiny bit of a fascination lately with what I call ‘Man shoes’. I don’t know, they look like a man would wear them so that’s how they got the name. They’re the kind of shoes that make me feel like I should throw on a buttoned up collar shirt and fling a jacket around my shoulders, oh don’t forget the blinged out statement necklace!

I bought a pair 3 years ago in Vegas when I went back home to the states. OMG these shoes….. man! They are amazing, they were screaming “Please buy me, take me home, who cares if there is no room in your suitcase, you CANNOT leave me here!”

So, of course, I bought them. Mind you, it’s ridonkulous, they cost me $20! Yeah….. I miss shopping in the states. I don’t know if it was the gunmetal sequins or the casual looking laces but these shoes just drew me in. These were the first pair of flat I had bought in years (I think the last pair were sneakers so those don’t count).

It was funny I was on my to a bar in one of the many casinos and literally out of the corner of my eye I saw them. I stopped in my tracks and although I had no bag to take them in, I bought them and told the lady I would come back tomorrow for them. Ha ha! Talk about multi-tasking, going out, quick shop AND back to the bar we go!

What I love is that first of all they are flat, (that’s an extra bonus) they go with almost any outfit. You can dress them up or wear them with skirts, long or short and they look great with jeans. What’s not to love! They have been coming out with some really cool patterns and different textures although I must say my sequins and metallic ones are my fav.

Now I keep seeing these shoes everywhere they are calling them Brogues, I like “Man shoes” better.

Here is a bit of Man shoe eye candy for me. I mean…You. Yeah that’s what I mean.

Big love Queens!
x E







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